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Date : 4th November 2024
Location : Santhigiri Fest Mega Stage
Pothencode: Swami Gururathnam Jnana Tapaswi, General Secretary of Santhigiri Ashram, called for the elimination of unhealthy competition between medical departments. He was speaking at the inauguration of the 16th batch graduation ceremony of students at Santhigiri Siddha Medical College. Swami mentioned that it was in 2002, during a time when Siddha medicine was little known in Kerala, that the first Siddha Medical College was established in the state. The Ashram’s founder, Guru Navajyothishree Karunakara Guru’s unwavering desire to promote and elevate the divine science of Siddha, passed down through 18 Siddhars, has contributed immensely to the growth of Siddha medicine in Kerala, according to Swami.

The event was chaired by Dr. D.K. Soundararajan, Principal of Santhigiri Siddha Medical College. Other notable attendees included Kuthirakulam Jayan, President of the Manikkal Grama Panchayat, R. Saheerath B.V., Chairperson of the Welfare Committee of Manikkal Grama Panchayat, Kaliyakkode Mahendran, Panchayat Member, Dr. Sreekumar T.D., Director of Ayurvedic Medical Education, Dr. S. Nadarajan, Research Officer at the Poojappura Siddha Regional Research Center, BJP District Treasurer M. Balasubramani, Pooalanthara K. Kiranadas, DCC Member, Dr. P. Hariharan, Vice Principal of the College, Dr. A. Smitha, President of the Siddha Medical Association of India, Dr. Sraddhasugathan, President-in-charge of the Alumni Association, Prof. Dr. J. Ninapriya, Prof. Sheeja N., Assistant General Manager of Santhigiri Ashram, Thiruvananthapuram Rural Area, Pramod M.P., President of the Teacher Protection Committee Hansraj.G.R, and others.

A total of 35 students from Kerala and Tamil Nadu received their B.S.M.S. degrees in the 16th batch. The Principal administered the oath to the graduates, and Swami Gururathnam Jnana Tapaswi and Swami Sayujyanath Jnana Tapaswi distributed lamps to the graduates.With the participation of teachers, students, parents, public representatives, and local residents, the event became remarkable due to the community involvement.

Following the graduation ceremony, a musical night titled ‘Chenda Musical Fusion Night’ was presented by the musical band led by Vidhumohan and the Neelapada Chenda Melam troupe, offering a unique musical experience. The audience, enjoying the music and performances, danced and clapped along with the performers for two hours.